dor_id: 4134798

506.#.#.a: Público

590.#.#.d: Los artículos enviados a la revista "Atmósfera", se juzgan por medio de un proceso de revisión por pares

510.0.#.a: Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACyT); Sistema Regional de Información en Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal (Latindex); Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO); SCOPUS, Web Of Science (WoS); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR)


561.#.#.a: no

650.#.4.x: Físico Matemáticas y Ciencias de la Tierra

336.#.#.b: article

336.#.#.3: Artículo de Investigación

336.#.#.a: Artículo


351.#.#.b: Atmósfera

351.#.#.a: Artículos

harvesting_group: RevistasUNAM

270.1.#.p: Revistas UNAM. Dirección General de Publicaciones y Fomento Editorial, UNAM en

590.#.#.c: Open Journal Systems (OJS)

270.#.#.d: MX

270.1.#.d: México

590.#.#.b: Concentrador


883.#.#.a: Revistas UNAM

590.#.#.a: Coordinación de Difusión Cultural


883.#.#.q: Dirección General de Publicaciones y Fomento Editorial

850.#.#.a: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


100.1.#.a: Becerra-rondón, Adriana; Ducati, Jorge; Haag, Rafael

524.#.#.a: Becerra-rondón, Adriana, et al. (2023). Satellite-based estimation of NO. Atmósfera; Vol. 37, 2023; 175-190. Recuperado de

245.1.0.a: Satellite-based estimation of NO

502.#.#.c: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

561.1.#.a: Instituto de Ciencias de la Atmósfera y Cambio Climático, UNAM

264.#.0.c: 2023

264.#.1.c: 2023-01-17

653.#.#.a: nitrogen dioxide (NO2); Random Forest algorithm; OMI sensor; southern Brazil

506.1.#.a: La titularidad de los derechos patrimoniales de esta obra pertenece a las instituciones editoras. Su uso se rige por una licencia Creative Commons BY-NC 4.0 Internacional,, para un uso diferente consultar al responsable jurídico del repositorio por medio del correo electrónico



041.#.7.h: eng

520.3.#.a: Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is one of the most important atmospheric pollutants, affecting human health (increasing susceptibility to respiratory infections) and the environment (soil and water acidification). In many regions of Brazil, NO2 measurements at ground level meet difficulties because monitoring stations are few and unevenly distributed. Satellite observations combined with machine learning models can mitigate this lack of data. This paper report results from an investigation on the ability of a machine learning approach (a non-linear statistical Random Forest algorithm, hereafter RF) to reconstruct the long-term spatiotemporal ground-level NO2 from 2006 to 2019 using as input parameters NO2 data retrieved from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) sensor aboard Aura satellite, besides meteorological covariates and localized ground-level NO2 measurements. Results show that the RF model predicts NO2 with an accuracy expressed by an R2 = 0.68 correlation based on a 10-fold cross-validation. The model also predicted a mean NO2 concentration of 18.73 ± 3.86 μg m–3. The total NO2 concentration over the entire region analyzed showed a decreasing trend (2.9 μg m–3 yr–1), being 2006 the year with the higher concentrations and 2017 with the lowest. This study suggests that non-linear statistical algorithm reconstructions using RF can be complementary tools to in situ and satellite observations for NO2 mapping.

773.1.#.t: Atmósfera; Vol. 37 (2023); 175-190


022.#.#.a: ISSN electrónico: 2395-8812; ISSN impreso: 0187-6236

310.#.#.a: Trimestral

300.#.#.a: Páginas: 175-190

264.#.1.b: Instituto de Ciencias de la Atmósfera y Cambio Climático, UNAM


handle: 565fce94c3c70f57

harvesting_date: 2023-06-20 16:00:00.0

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last_modified: 2023-06-20 16:00:00


license_type: by-nc

No entro en nada

No entro en nada 2


Satellite-based estimation of NO

Becerra-rondón, Adriana; Ducati, Jorge; Haag, Rafael

Instituto de Ciencias de la Atmósfera y Cambio Climático, UNAM, publicado en Atmósfera, y cosechado de Revistas UNAM

Licencia de uso

Procedencia del contenido

Entidad o dependencia
Instituto de Ciencias de la Atmósfera y Cambio Climático, UNAM
Revistas UNAM. Dirección General de Publicaciones y Fomento Editorial, UNAM en


Becerra-rondón, Adriana, et al. (2023). Satellite-based estimation of NO. Atmósfera; Vol. 37, 2023; 175-190. Recuperado de

Descripción del recurso

Becerra-rondón, Adriana; Ducati, Jorge; Haag, Rafael
Artículo de Investigación
Área del conocimiento
Físico Matemáticas y Ciencias de la Tierra
Satellite-based estimation of NO
Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is one of the most important atmospheric pollutants, affecting human health (increasing susceptibility to respiratory infections) and the environment (soil and water acidification). In many regions of Brazil, NO2 measurements at ground level meet difficulties because monitoring stations are few and unevenly distributed. Satellite observations combined with machine learning models can mitigate this lack of data. This paper report results from an investigation on the ability of a machine learning approach (a non-linear statistical Random Forest algorithm, hereafter RF) to reconstruct the long-term spatiotemporal ground-level NO2 from 2006 to 2019 using as input parameters NO2 data retrieved from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) sensor aboard Aura satellite, besides meteorological covariates and localized ground-level NO2 measurements. Results show that the RF model predicts NO2 with an accuracy expressed by an R2 = 0.68 correlation based on a 10-fold cross-validation. The model also predicted a mean NO2 concentration of 18.73 ± 3.86 μg m–3. The total NO2 concentration over the entire region analyzed showed a decreasing trend (2.9 μg m–3 yr–1), being 2006 the year with the higher concentrations and 2017 with the lowest. This study suggests that non-linear statistical algorithm reconstructions using RF can be complementary tools to in situ and satellite observations for NO2 mapping.
nitrogen dioxide (NO2); Random Forest algorithm; OMI sensor; southern Brazil
ISSN electrónico: 2395-8812; ISSN impreso: 0187-6236
