dor_id: 4128883

506.#.#.a: Público

590.#.#.d: Los artículos enviados a la "Revista Internacional de Contaminación Ambiental" se juzgan por medio de un proceso de revisión por pares

510.0.#.a: Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACyT); Sistema Regional de Información en Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal (Latindex); Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO); SCOPUS, Web Of Science (WoS); Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts, Cab Abstracts, Cab Health, Chemical Abstracts, Elsevier Biobase, Elsevier Geo Abstracts, Periódica, Pollution Abstracts, SCOPUS, Water Resources Abstracts


650.#.4.x: Biología y Química

336.#.#.b: article

336.#.#.3: Artículo de Investigación

336.#.#.a: Artículo


351.#.#.b: Revista Internacional de Contaminación Ambiental

351.#.#.a: Artículos

harvesting_group: RevistasUNAM

270.1.#.p: Revistas UNAM. Dirección General de Publicaciones y Fomento Editorial, UNAM en

590.#.#.c: Open Journal Systems (OJS)

270.#.#.d: MX

270.1.#.d: México

590.#.#.b: Concentrador


883.#.#.a: Revistas UNAM

590.#.#.a: Coordinación de Difusión Cultural


883.#.#.q: Dirección General de Publicaciones y Fomento Editorial

850.#.#.a: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


100.1.#.a: Ponce Caballero, Carmen; Cardeña Echalaz, Fabiola; Giácoman Vallejos, Germán; Vega de Lille, Marisela; Góngora Echeverría, Virgilio René

524.#.#.a: Ponce Caballero, Carmen, et al. (2022). Pesticide management and farmers perception of environmental and health issues due to pesticide use in the state of Yucatán, Mexico: A study case. Revista Internacional de Contaminación Ambiental; Vol. 38, 2022; 289-300. Recuperado de

245.1.0.a: Pesticide management and farmers perception of environmental and health issues due to pesticide use in the state of Yucatán, Mexico: A study case

502.#.#.c: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

561.1.#.a: Instituto de Ciencias de la Atmósfera y Cambio Climático, UNAM

264.#.0.c: 2022

264.#.1.c: 2022-12-15

653.#.#.a: agrochemicals; crop production; personal protection; pesticide handling issues; risk; agrochemicals; crop production; personal protection; pesticide handling issues; risk

506.1.#.a: La titularidad de los derechos patrimoniales de esta obra pertenece a las instituciones editoras. Su uso se rige por una licencia Creative Commons BY-NC 4.0 Internacional,, para un uso diferente consultar al responsable jurídico del repositorio por medio del correo electrónico



041.#.7.h: spa

520.3.#.a: Agriculture in the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico, grew last year, and pesticide use problems have been reported; however, there is no information about the use and management of pesticides in farms. In this study, the main pesticides used by farmers were identified in two types of agriculture open-air (milpa) (OA) and enclosed area (shade house and greenhouse) (EA), in order to evaluate their use and management and the related environmental and health perceptions of users. Surveys (38 questions) were applied to 39 farmers in the study area, which consisted of 14 localities in Yucatán State. The most cultivated products were habanero pepper (Capsicum chinense) for enclosed-areas and maize (Zea mays) for open-air agriculture. The use of 33 active ingredients was reported. Some of them have restrictions in México (i.e., dicofol and methamidophos). Paraquat was the most used of all pesticides reported. Organophosphorus pesticides (OP) were the most used. Farmers know about the environmental and health risks related to pesticide use; however, a lack of knowledge about the misuse of these products was evident. The surveys showed deficiencies in personal protection during application and incorrect disposal of empty containers and wastes. The analysis showed that the behavior of farmers about pesticide management and their perception of damage to health and the environment were multifactorial. The results conclude that farmers’ personal aspects (i.e., language, education) are the leading cause of problems associated with pesticide misuse and the lack of information and training, representing a risk for human health and the environment.

773.1.#.t: Revista Internacional de Contaminación Ambiental; Vol. 38 (2022); 289-300


022.#.#.a: ISSN impreso: 0188-4999

310.#.#.a: Trimestral

300.#.#.a: Páginas: 289-300

264.#.1.b: Instituto de Ciencias de la Atmósfera y Cambio Climático, UNAM


harvesting_date: 2023-11-08 13:10:00.0

856.#.0.q: application/pdf

file_creation_date: 2022-08-13 03:59:28.0

file_modification_date: 2022-08-13 03:59:29.0

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245.1.0.b: Pesticide management and farmers perception of environmental and health issues due to pesticide use in the state of Yucatán, Mexico: A study case

last_modified: 2024-03-19 14:00:00


license_type: by-nc

No entro en nada

No entro en nada 2


Pesticide management and farmers perception of environmental and health issues due to pesticide use in the state of Yucatán, Mexico: A study case

Ponce Caballero, Carmen; Cardeña Echalaz, Fabiola; Giácoman Vallejos, Germán; Vega de Lille, Marisela; Góngora Echeverría, Virgilio René

Instituto de Ciencias de la Atmósfera y Cambio Climático, UNAM, publicado en Revista Internacional de Contaminación Ambiental, y cosechado de Revistas UNAM

Licencia de uso

Procedencia del contenido


Ponce Caballero, Carmen, et al. (2022). Pesticide management and farmers perception of environmental and health issues due to pesticide use in the state of Yucatán, Mexico: A study case. Revista Internacional de Contaminación Ambiental; Vol. 38, 2022; 289-300. Recuperado de

Descripción del recurso

Ponce Caballero, Carmen; Cardeña Echalaz, Fabiola; Giácoman Vallejos, Germán; Vega de Lille, Marisela; Góngora Echeverría, Virgilio René
Artículo de Investigación
Área del conocimiento
Biología y Química
Pesticide management and farmers perception of environmental and health issues due to pesticide use in the state of Yucatán, Mexico: A study case
Agriculture in the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico, grew last year, and pesticide use problems have been reported; however, there is no information about the use and management of pesticides in farms. In this study, the main pesticides used by farmers were identified in two types of agriculture open-air (milpa) (OA) and enclosed area (shade house and greenhouse) (EA), in order to evaluate their use and management and the related environmental and health perceptions of users. Surveys (38 questions) were applied to 39 farmers in the study area, which consisted of 14 localities in Yucatán State. The most cultivated products were habanero pepper (Capsicum chinense) for enclosed-areas and maize (Zea mays) for open-air agriculture. The use of 33 active ingredients was reported. Some of them have restrictions in México (i.e., dicofol and methamidophos). Paraquat was the most used of all pesticides reported. Organophosphorus pesticides (OP) were the most used. Farmers know about the environmental and health risks related to pesticide use; however, a lack of knowledge about the misuse of these products was evident. The surveys showed deficiencies in personal protection during application and incorrect disposal of empty containers and wastes. The analysis showed that the behavior of farmers about pesticide management and their perception of damage to health and the environment were multifactorial. The results conclude that farmers’ personal aspects (i.e., language, education) are the leading cause of problems associated with pesticide misuse and the lack of information and training, representing a risk for human health and the environment.
agrochemicals; crop production; personal protection; pesticide handling issues; risk; agrochemicals; crop production; personal protection; pesticide handling issues; risk
ISSN impreso: 0188-4999
