dor_id: 43283

506.#.#.a: Público

590.#.#.d: si

510.0.#.a: Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACyT), Sistema Regional de Información en Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal (Latindex), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO)


561.#.#.a: Facultad de Odontología, UNAM

650.#.4.x: Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud

336.#.#.b: article

336.#.#.3: Artículo Técnico-Profesional

336.#.#.a: Artículo


351.#.#.b: Revista Odontológica Mexicana

351.#.#.a: Artículos

harvesting_group: RevistasUNAM

270.1.#.p: Revistas UNAM. Dirección General de Publicaciones y Fomento Editorial, UNAM en

590.#.#.c: Open Journal Systems (OJS)

270.#.#.d: MX

270.1.#.d: México

590.#.#.b: Concentrador


883.#.#.a: Revistas UNAM

590.#.#.a: Coordinación de Difusión Cultural, UNAM


883.#.#.q: Dirección General de Publicaciones y Fomento Editorial, UNAM

850.#.#.a: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


100.1.#.a: Ruvalcaba Sil, José Luis; Flores Ledesma, Abigailt; Arenas Alatorre, Jesús Ángel; Bucio Galindo, Lauro; Barceló Santana, Federico H

524.#.#.a: Ruvalcaba Sil, José Luis, et al. (2016). Elemental chemical composition and phase analysis by means of PIXE, DSC, TGA, and DRX of MTA Angelus® and a white Portland cement. Revista Odontológica Mexicana; Vol 20, No 3-ING. Recuperado de

245.1.0.a: Elemental chemical composition and phase analysis by means of PIXE, DSC, TGA, and DRX of MTA Angelus® and a white Portland cement

502.#.#.c: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

561.1.#.a: Facultad de Odontología, UNAM

264.#.0.c: 2016

264.#.1.c: 2016-08-24

506.1.#.a: La titularidad de los derechos patrimoniales de esta obra pertenece a las instituciones editoras. Su uso se rige por una licencia Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 Internacional,, fecha de asignación de la licencia 2016-08-24, para un uso diferente consultar al responsable jurídico del repositorio por medio de


041.#.7.h: eng

520.3.#.a: Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) is a cement mainly used to seal tooth perforations; this is due to the fact that it hardens when in presence of humidity. It is composed of Portland cement and Bismuth trioxide. Objective: To analyze and compare with PIXE, DSC, TGA and DRX elementary chemical and phase composition of MTA Angelus® cement with a white Portland cement (WPC). Material and methods: MTA Angelus® white and a white Portland cement were analyzed with PIXE in a particle accelerator, phase analyses were conducted with XRD contrasting peaks with those in the ICDD database. DSC was conducted in a calorimeter up to 900 oC. Results: PIXE detected the following as greater percentage elements: aluminum, silica and calcium for both cements. Differences were found with sulfur percentages; Bismuth was only detected in MTA Angelus®. Trace elements of copper and strontium were detected in MTA Angelus® and zirconium in WPC. Relationship between silica-calcium and silica-aluminum was similar in both cements. In both cements, three crystalline phases were detected: dicalcium silicate, tricalcium silicate and tricalcium aluminate. Nevertheless, Bismite was identifi ed in MTA Angelus® and calcium sulfate in the form of gypsum in WPC, this was corroborated with DSC technique. Conclusions: In MTA Angelus®, low gypsum amounts were observed by means of calorimetry. In both cements, crystalline phases and elemental chemical composition were similar.

773.1.#.t: Revista Odontológica Mexicana; Vol 20, No 3-ING

022.#.#.a: ISSN: 1870-199X

264.#.1.b: Facultad de Odontología, UNAM


handle: 00c1f7cfa33f002e

harvesting_date: 2019-02-06 00:00:00.0

856.#.0.q: application/pdf

last_modified: 2022-11-11 19:00:00


license_type: by-nc-nd

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No entro en nada

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Elemental chemical composition and phase analysis by means of PIXE, DSC, TGA, and DRX of MTA Angelus® and a white Portland cement

Ruvalcaba Sil, José Luis; Flores Ledesma, Abigailt; Arenas Alatorre, Jesús Ángel; Bucio Galindo, Lauro; Barceló Santana, Federico H

Facultad de Odontología, UNAM, publicado en Revista Odontológica Mexicana, y cosechado de Revistas UNAM

Licencia de uso

Procedencia del contenido

Entidad o dependencia
Facultad de Odontología, UNAM
Revistas UNAM. Dirección General de Publicaciones y Fomento Editorial, UNAM en


Ruvalcaba Sil, José Luis, et al. (2016). Elemental chemical composition and phase analysis by means of PIXE, DSC, TGA, and DRX of MTA Angelus® and a white Portland cement. Revista Odontológica Mexicana; Vol 20, No 3-ING. Recuperado de

Descripción del recurso

Ruvalcaba Sil, José Luis; Flores Ledesma, Abigailt; Arenas Alatorre, Jesús Ángel; Bucio Galindo, Lauro; Barceló Santana, Federico H
Artículo Técnico-Profesional
Área del conocimiento
Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud
Elemental chemical composition and phase analysis by means of PIXE, DSC, TGA, and DRX of MTA Angelus® and a white Portland cement
Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) is a cement mainly used to seal tooth perforations; this is due to the fact that it hardens when in presence of humidity. It is composed of Portland cement and Bismuth trioxide. Objective: To analyze and compare with PIXE, DSC, TGA and DRX elementary chemical and phase composition of MTA Angelus® cement with a white Portland cement (WPC). Material and methods: MTA Angelus® white and a white Portland cement were analyzed with PIXE in a particle accelerator, phase analyses were conducted with XRD contrasting peaks with those in the ICDD database. DSC was conducted in a calorimeter up to 900 oC. Results: PIXE detected the following as greater percentage elements: aluminum, silica and calcium for both cements. Differences were found with sulfur percentages; Bismuth was only detected in MTA Angelus®. Trace elements of copper and strontium were detected in MTA Angelus® and zirconium in WPC. Relationship between silica-calcium and silica-aluminum was similar in both cements. In both cements, three crystalline phases were detected: dicalcium silicate, tricalcium silicate and tricalcium aluminate. Nevertheless, Bismite was identifi ed in MTA Angelus® and calcium sulfate in the form of gypsum in WPC, this was corroborated with DSC technique. Conclusions: In MTA Angelus®, low gypsum amounts were observed by means of calorimetry. In both cements, crystalline phases and elemental chemical composition were similar.
ISSN: 1870-199X
