dor_id: 59297

506.#.#.a: Público

590.#.#.d: Los artículos enviados a la "Revista Mexicana de Ortodoncia", se juzgan por medio de un proceso de revisión por pares

510.0.#.a: Sistema Regional de Información en Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal (Latindex); Medigraphic


561.#.#.a: Facultad de Odontología, UNAM

650.#.4.x: Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud

336.#.#.b: article

336.#.#.3: Artículo Técnico-Profesional

336.#.#.a: Artículo


351.#.#.b: Revista Mexicana de Ortodoncia

351.#.#.a: Artículos

harvesting_group: RevistasUNAM

270.1.#.p: Revistas UNAM. Dirección General de Publicaciones y Fomento Editorial, UNAM en

590.#.#.c: Open Journal Systems (OJS)

270.#.#.d: MX

270.1.#.d: México

590.#.#.b: Concentrador


883.#.#.a: Revistas UNAM

590.#.#.a: Coordinación de Difusión Cultural


883.#.#.q: Dirección General de Publicaciones y Fomento Editorial

850.#.#.a: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


100.1.#.a: Barreto Sánchez, Emanue

524.#.#.a: Barreto Sánchez, Emanue (2015). Effect of orthodontic fi xed appliances on salivary fl ow and viscosity. Revista Mexicana de Ortodoncia; Vol. 3 Núm. 3, 2015. Recuperado de

245.1.0.a: Effect of orthodontic fi xed appliances on salivary fl ow and viscosity

502.#.#.c: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

561.1.#.a: Facultad de Odontología, UNAM

264.#.0.c: 2015

264.#.1.c: 2016-02-04

506.1.#.a: La titularidad de los derechos patrimoniales de esta obra pertenece a las instituciones editoras. Su uso se rige por una licencia Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 Internacional,, para un uso diferente consultar al responsable jurídico del repositorio por medio del correo electrónico



041.#.7.h: spa

520.3.#.a: Objective: To determine the effect of orthodontic fi xed appliances on salivary fl ow and viscosity. Material and methods: Saliva samples from 44 patients between 10-34 years old of both genders were assessed in Trujillo, Peru. Twenty-two of them received orthodontic fi xed appliances and the other 22 did not receive then and served as control. Samples for the evaluation of salivary fl ow and viscosity before and one month after orthodontic fi xed appliances placement were obtained. To quantify salivary fl ow, 5 minutes was clocked to obtain saliva in a test tube and then make measurements using a 10 mL test tube millimeter. To measure viscosity, 5 mL of saliva was collected and calculated by the formula of the relative viscosity (VR = time of 5 mL saliva/time to 5 mL of water) using a viscometer. For comparison of salivary fl ow and viscosity before and a month after the Wilcoxon test was used because the data did not exhibit a normal distribution. A signifi cance level of 5% was considered. Results: Statistically signifi cant differences (p < 0.05) in salivary fl ow and viscosity were found before orthodontic fi xed appliances placement and one month after, showing an increase in salivary flow and a decrease in salivary viscosity. Conclusion: The use of orthodontic fixed appliances affects salivary fl ow and viscosity month after placement.Key words: Salivary fl ow, salivary viscosity, fi xed orthodontic appliances.

773.1.#.t: Revista Mexicana de Ortodoncia; Vol. 3 Núm. 3 (2015)


022.#.#.a: ISSN: 2395-9215

310.#.#.a: Trimestral

264.#.1.b: Facultad de Odontología, UNAM


handle: 00ee22bffc9a3137

harvesting_date: 2023-06-20 16:00:00.0

856.#.0.q: application/pdf

last_modified: 2023-06-20 16:00:00


license_type: by-nc-nd

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No entro en nada

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Effect of orthodontic fi xed appliances on salivary fl ow and viscosity

Barreto Sánchez, Emanue

Facultad de Odontología, UNAM, publicado en Revista Mexicana de Ortodoncia, y cosechado de Revistas UNAM

Licencia de uso

Procedencia del contenido

Entidad o dependencia
Facultad de Odontología, UNAM
Revistas UNAM. Dirección General de Publicaciones y Fomento Editorial, UNAM en


Barreto Sánchez, Emanue (2015). Effect of orthodontic fi xed appliances on salivary fl ow and viscosity. Revista Mexicana de Ortodoncia; Vol. 3 Núm. 3, 2015. Recuperado de

Descripción del recurso

Barreto Sánchez, Emanue
Artículo Técnico-Profesional
Área del conocimiento
Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud
Effect of orthodontic fi xed appliances on salivary fl ow and viscosity
Objective: To determine the effect of orthodontic fi xed appliances on salivary fl ow and viscosity. Material and methods: Saliva samples from 44 patients between 10-34 years old of both genders were assessed in Trujillo, Peru. Twenty-two of them received orthodontic fi xed appliances and the other 22 did not receive then and served as control. Samples for the evaluation of salivary fl ow and viscosity before and one month after orthodontic fi xed appliances placement were obtained. To quantify salivary fl ow, 5 minutes was clocked to obtain saliva in a test tube and then make measurements using a 10 mL test tube millimeter. To measure viscosity, 5 mL of saliva was collected and calculated by the formula of the relative viscosity (VR = time of 5 mL saliva/time to 5 mL of water) using a viscometer. For comparison of salivary fl ow and viscosity before and a month after the Wilcoxon test was used because the data did not exhibit a normal distribution. A signifi cance level of 5% was considered. Results: Statistically signifi cant differences (p < 0.05) in salivary fl ow and viscosity were found before orthodontic fi xed appliances placement and one month after, showing an increase in salivary flow and a decrease in salivary viscosity. Conclusion: The use of orthodontic fixed appliances affects salivary fl ow and viscosity month after placement.Key words: Salivary fl ow, salivary viscosity, fi xed orthodontic appliances.
ISSN: 2395-9215
